If the debt has left you feeling like your financial world is out of control, it's time to contact Richard P. Busse Attorney at Law for clear, personalized legal advice about your options. With over two decades of experience in Chapter 7 bankruptcy proceedings, we can help you resolve your financial situation.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy includes the liquidation of your nonexempt property and the distribution of those proceeds to your creditors. Unlike Chapter 13 bankruptcy (which includes a payment plan), this process sells off your assets and uses that money to repay your debts.
Choosing to file Chapter 7 bankruptcy is a major decision that should not be taken lightly. To learn more about using this solution for your financial problems, please call us or use
online form to request a free consultation.
Determining your eligibility and filing for bankruptcy is a complicated legal procedure that involves a lot of paperwork. It's important to have a knowledgeable attorney to help you through the process.
We'll begin by evaluating your situation and determining whether Chapter 7 or
Chapter 13
bankruptcy is the better tool for solving your problems. We'll need to gather certain information during the filing process.
- A list of all your creditors and the amount and nature of their claims
- The source, amount, and frequency of your income
- A list of all of your property
- A detailed list of your monthly living expenses
When you have Richard Busse represent you during bankruptcy, you'll get personalized service at every stage. Our office is small, so you'll work directly with your attorney and not get lost in the shuffle of a larger office. Contact us today to begin solving your financial problems.
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